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Building your plan for 2022? Find out how to prepare for the regulatory changes ahead

New Fair Value and GIPP rules are fast-approaching, and they are set to create a volatile year for pricing in UKGI

You’ll have undoubtedly seen the FCA’s incoming rules around Fair Value and GIPP hitting the headlines of the trade titles in recent weeks, with the deadline for the former just a matter of weeks away. 

And the effects of these changes are being felt by insurers even before they come into force, creating a wave of uncertainty for decision-makers to grapple with. 

Of course, the impacts of these changes are not just about what it means for your business, but also how your competitors respond to the new rules. 

This is likely to result in changes to business models for a number of insurers, whether that be changes to pricing strategy or even exiting certain business lines. 

Such changes could have serious implications for your own business model. This means that understanding how the market is responding to these changes – particularly given the volatility that is expected to arise next year – is more important than ever. 

To this end, we are joining forces with Consumer Intelligence on an upcoming webinar on Thursday 23 September 2021 at 11am: 7 days to save your 2022 plan: Coming face-to-face with the FCA challenges ahead

During the session we will discuss the implications of these changes as we edge closer to 2022, and what this means for insurers looking to map out their strategy for next year. 

The conversation will be fuelled by data from our digital insight platform, including our customer experience ratings and additional data on complaints handling and financial results, as well as Consumer Intelligence pricing data. 

So, register for this free webinar now to: 

  • Increase your understanding of current market dynamics 
  • Truly understand the breadth of challenges you face  
  • Hear expert opinion on the future of the insurance industry 
  • Learn how you can start making confident decisions for the year ahead 

Register today to secure your place.